How to Remove Bags From Under Your Eyes

Do you want to know why your eyes are swollen or how to get rid of under-eye bags? The good news is that although they might be annoying, bags beneath your eyes normally don’t harm your health or vision. However, there are both short-term and long-term ways to lessen the puffiness around your eyes.

What causes under-eye bags?

People have swollen eyes for a variety of causes, including:

  • High salt diet: When you consume a lot of salty meals, you retain water and develop edema.
  • Allergies: Under-eye puffiness can occasionally become worse due to congestion and inflammation caused by allergies.
  • Medical Conditions: The eyes can swell due to certain medical diseases, such as thyroid issues.
  • Genetics: The physical trait of having under-eye bags may run in your family.
  • Natural aging process: As you age, your skin and muscles lose their suppleness.

Methods for Reducing Under-Eye Bags

Depending on the cause, there are various methods to reduce under-eye puffiness. Lower lids that occasionally swell due to fluid accumulation under the eyes can be temporarily reduced in size with at-home therapies.
However, according to Desai, over-the-counter medications and home cures can only go so far; frequently, medical attention is required to permanently eliminate under-eye bags that are noticeable and persistent.

How to get rid of puffy eyes at home

These quick fixes might help if you sometimes wake up with puffy lids. They work to decrease swelling until it goes down on its own during the days.

  • Cold Compresses: By decreasing blood flow, cooling the region reduces swelling and irritation. Anything cold, such as an ice pack, a bag of frozen veggies, chilled cucumber slices, or chilled spoons, can be placed over closed eyelids for a short period of time.
  • Caffeine: As a vasoconstrictor, caffeine tightens blood vessels. To minimize under-eye puffiness, many cosmetics businesses sell eye treatments containing caffeine. Alternatively, you might try placing cold tea bags of caffeinated black tea over your closed eyes.
  • Getting enough sleep: The majority of experts advise seven to nine hours of sleep per day. Sleep with your head slightly up as well. By doing this, you can prevent moisture from collecting around your eyes as you sleep. Add an extra pillow or raise the head of your bed a few inches.
  • Making dietary changes: Limit your salt intake and avoid drinking drinks before bed. This can help prevent nocturnal fluid retention, which can cause bags under your eyes.
  • Giving up smoking: Smoking can hasten the loss of collagen. The thin skin around your eyes becomes even more vulnerable as a result, resulting in more obvious blood vessels.