What are the causes of wrinkles?

Everybody’s skin ages, which is why a young child’s skin and a 90-year-old’s skin appear extremely differently.

Because collagen production slows down with aging, skin loses suppleness. Numerous variables, such as sun exposure, pollution, and certain lifestyle choices, might exacerbate this process.

Your skin tends to become thinner and drier as you age. It can also make your skin more prone to wrinkles when it lacks the volume or hydration it once did.

Repeated facial expressions

What steps can be taken to prevent wrinkles?

How your skin changes over time can depend on your genes. This is called natural aging.

But even if everyone in your family has skin that wrinkles quickly, you still have a lot of control over how your own skin ages.

Even though wrinkles are inevitable, taking good care of your face can help keep it as wrinkle-free as possible for as long as possible.

Here are eight things you can do in your daily life to help your skin stay healthy and young-looking.

1. Protect your skin from the sun

It is common knowledge that prolonged exposure to the sun can harm your skin, causing wrinkles and early aging.

based on a 2013 studyAccording to a reliable source, wearing sunscreen frequently can delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Applying an SPF of between 30 and 50 every day, even when it’s cloudy, is essential to shield your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Avoid skipping sunscreen just because it isn’t sunny because UV rays can still pass through clouds.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat, light-colored clothing that will reflect the sun, and UV-protective eyewear for added protection.

2. Use a Retinoid

One of the most researched anti-aging substances is retinoids, which are produced from vitamin ATrusted Source. Retinoids, also known as retinol, have the capacity to boost collagen formation, which helps fill up the skin.

Retinoids also promote skin regeneration and the formation of new blood vessels, which may help improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

There are five major varieties of retinoids, each with varying degrees of effectiveness. Some are available as over-the-counter lotions and gels, while others are only available via prescription.

Dermatologists recommend applying a modest amount at first to assess your skin’s tolerance to the product, and then using it every other day to avoid peeling.

Consult your dermatologist to determine which choice is best for your skin.

3. Moisturizer

A moisturizer is similar to a glass of water for your face.

Moisturizers aid in the nourishment and hydration of the skin. This is especially crucial as you age and your skin dries out, making it more prone to wrinkles.

According to research, utilizing a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acidTrusted Source and vitamin CTrusted Source is very beneficial at preventing wrinkles from forming or deepening.

Request product suggestions from your dermatologist.

4. Drink plenty of water.

To stay healthy, you must drink water. For almost everything your body does, it needs water.

Water does a lot of important things for your body, like get rid of waste, help with digestion, and keep your body temperature stable. It can also keep your skin healthy and refreshed from the inside.

A 2015 studyTrusted Source that was done on a healthy group of women found that getting more water can affect how well the skin stays hydrated and may have a good effect on how the skin works.

Another study from 2017Trusted Source found that drinking lemon balm leaf extract, which is usually found in tea, may help improve the skin’s suppleness and repair damaged tissue.

5. Eat vitamin-rich food

Probably you’ve heard the adage “You are what you eat.” This is especially true when it comes to how well your skin ages.

Dietary choices are linked to facial wrinkles, particularly in women, according to a significant Dutch study from 2019Trusted Source with more than 2,700 participants.

According to the study, women who consume more red meat and unhealthy snacks than those who consume more fruits have a tendency to have more face wrinkles.

Foods with strong anti-inflammatory or antioxidant capabilities may also increase the suppleness of the skin and guard against aging prematurely and skin damage. Some examples of these foods and beverages are:

  • green tea
  • olive oil
  • salmon
  • avocados
  • pomegranates
  • flax seeds

vegetables, especially carrots, pumpkin, leafy greens, bell peppers, and broccoli

6. Sleep on your back

A 2016 study found that your sleeping position can have an impact on the appearance of wrinkles. According to the study, sleeping on one’s stomach or side exposes one to mechanical compression forces that can cause facial skin to stretch and wrinkle more quickly.

Try sleeping on your back rather than your side or stomach as one approach to avoid this.

Silk pillowcases may be gentler on your skin than cotton ones since they cause less friction and less skin abrasion.

7. Stop smoking

Collagen and elastin, the fibers that give your skin its flexibility and strength, are harmed by tobacco smoke.

Additionally, the nicotine in cigarettes narrows your blood vessels. Your skin’s blood flow is decreased as a result. Your skin receives less oxygen as a result. Additionally, it will restrict the amount of crucial nutrients—like vitamin A—that can reach your skin.

The Mayo Clinic claims that smoking’s heat may also contribute to wrinkles. Additionally, frequent lip-pursing for inhalation might hasten the onset of wrinkles around the mouth.

According to a 2013 studyTrusted Source on 79 sets of identical twins, those who smoked had significantly more wrinkles than those who did not.

Consult your healthcare physician about a smoking cessation program if you presently smoke if you want to stop.

8. Relax your face

Repeated facial expressions like squinting, frowning, or lip-pursing might hasten the development of wrinkles.

If you notice that you squint a lot, you may need to have your eyes tested or you may require a stronger prescription for your glasses or contact lenses. Getting a fresh prescription might be advantageous for both your eyes and your skin.

If you frequently scowl or frown, you might want to look into stress-relieving techniques. Among some effective stress-reduction methods are:

  • regular exercise
  • deep breathing exercises
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • mindfulness

9. The takeaway

Although wrinkles are a natural part of getting older, there are steps you can take to slow down their development and stop new ones from appearing.

When it comes to maintaining healthy, youthful skin, lifestyle choices like eating a vitamin-rich diet, drinking lots of water, protecting your skin from the sun, quitting smoking, and controlling your stress are crucial.

A retinoid and a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C can both help delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Make sure to follow up with your doctor or dermatologist if you have any questions or concerns regarding products that could help prevent wrinkles.